Bridget Films - Now Operating FULL TIME :)

Hey there, thanks for having a cheeky little snoop of my website.

You’re incredibly welcome here.

It’s been a long time coming however I now work full time on this small business of mine. I was prevoiusly working in the outdoors and doing shoots on the side but hey, if not now then when?

I have been shooting ever since I was 18. I’m 26 now, and this is something I have been wanting to do for a very long time. It’s a wonderful yet very scary feeling. But I believe in myself and the services that I offer.

I have been so very blessed to work with so many wonderful people and brands over the years that have been my biggest inspiration to take this gig seriously. I am so lucky to have so many amazing clients, old and new that believe in me and my deliverables. I really do feel like the luckiest girl in the world to do something creative for work and to follow my passions.

I’ve tried so many different career paths and jobs since leaving high school, but this one always seems to stick no matter how many times I’ve tried to choose an alternative.

I truly believe this is what I’m meant to be doing with my time, so thank you for giving me or considering to give me that opportunity. I now love my days, and I love helping other businesses become the best versions of themselves.

More blog posts to come soon now that I do this for a job! Ahhhh!!

Bridget x

Bridget Murphy